Flag Football


  • We offer both a Boys league and Girls league
  • Six game season which includes playoffs
  • One Practice per Week (coaches choice)
  • All Games Played on Sundays 
  • Games Start at 11:00 am and run hourly - some may go as late as 7:00 pm
  • All HOME Games are on Sunday's at GBN High School (in the stadium, or on the backfields)
  • Away Fields include Skokie Playfields, New Trier West Campus, GBS, and Evanston Fields (and others as new towns join our league)
  • Team Divisions: 
  • Co-Ed: 1st (spring only)
  • Boys: 2nd (spring only), 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
  • Girls: 2nd (spring only), 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
  • Volunteer Parent Coaches and High School Player Referees
  • For D225 residents only, unless explicit permission is granted by the Executive Director

Note that we vet all coaches and require key certifications (USA Football, CPR / First Aid) to ensure that the player experience will meet the Jr Spartan standard. First year coaches are given much more support. If we are unable to find coaches who can meet our standard, we will not be able to field at a team at the corresponding level.


Each year we have many that are new to flag football. We strongly encourage those new to attend the start of our practice season. This is a time to learn. Arriving after practices have begun will put someone new to the sport behind those who have been at practice. 


We kindly ask though that you communicate when your child will be absent from practices so coaches can plan accordingly.  Coaches will use Crossbar to communicate practice & game times. Please make sure your child's status is kept current in Crossbar.


We rely on volunteer head coaches, and assistant coaches, to be able to offer this program.  If you wish to help coach, please contact Bob Anderson directly. All coaches are required to pass a background check and be certified by USA Football. We will provide sample practice plans and offensive and defensive schemes. Note that if we do not have enough head coaches, we will have to turn away players or put them on a waitlist.


Our number one objective is to maximize the number of youth playing football in Northbrook and we understand the power of friend networks to increase overall participation. Below is a description of what we strive to do when forming teams

Our league bases teams on age/grade level. Our philosophy is to form Northbrook teams based on school and in order of registration. We strive to have team sizes of no less than 8, and no more than 12. We will honor coach requests for players on a limited basis at the discretion of our Executive Director, out of respect for the time commitment of our coaches. We will also collect friend requests in our registration but it is rare that this factors into the final team formation. & generally limited to players from schools with insufficient players to form a full team.  

Join us to experience the excitement of flag football while building skills, friendships, and community spirit!


Does my player need to have prior football experience?

Absolutely not. We will teach the game of football and hopefully create a love for the sport.

What is the overall time commitment?

Although our season is short (2-3 months), Flag Football does not have a huge commitment however for the team to have success they will need to prepare for each game. One to two practices a week for 90 minutes each practice plus one game for 60 minutes.

When are practices held?

Practices will depend on the head coach’s availability. One or two days a week at GBN High School. (Monday-Saturday).

How many players are on the field?

We play 7 vs 7 flag football.

What is included with my registration?

Each participant will receive a game uniform, Game Jersey, Shorts, soft helmet (on request), and Socks. Players are to provide their own mouth guards and cleats. 

When and how are teams formed?

2-3 weeks before the season begins

How many players are on each team?

No less than 8, and no more than 12 is our rule of thumb.

What is Northbrook Jr Spartan cancellation policy?

All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to the league director - Bob Anderson - and are at his discretion. All refunds are subject to a $100 non-refundable administrative fee. There are NO refunds after teams are announced.

For Girls Flag, what if we do not have enough girls to field a team at a particular level?

We will allow the girls at that level to roster to the boys team to form a co-ed team.

What is the philosophy around playing time?

At this level, we expect players to be given ample opportunity to try different positions and develop well-rounded skills. We do keep score and try to win games, but we try not to do that at the expense of player participation and fun. Teams will play more competitive line-ups in the playoffs, but should not be at the expense of playing time overall. Parents who do not feel we are living these principles on a team should contact our Executive Director immediately. 

Do coaches get access to playbooks and practice plans?

We do provide coaches with Jr Spartan playbooks and template practice plans so they have a starting point, and to align their thinking with the rest of the program. We also instruct the coaches on how to coach proper technique so players can progress through the program.

Spring 2025 Flag Football


Flag Registration Deadline (all registrations after are at discretion of Executive Director) is March 8th.

Early Bird Pricing through February 2nd - $285

Regular Pricing - $300

Boys 2nd - 8th Grade

Girls 2nd - 8th Grade

Teams Announced - March 20th

First practice - Week of March 31st (coaches discretion on date & time)

Regular season games - April 13th - June 1st

No games on Easter Sunday and Memorial Day Weekend

Post season tournament - May 31st - June 1st 

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